VirtualBox v7.1.0 虛擬電腦,練重灌、測軟體、玩病毒,不怕搞壞電腦!
2024/9/15更新:軟體版本更新為 v7.1.0 最新版(更新細節)。
VirtualBox 是個免費的「虛擬電腦」軟體,主要是創建一個模擬的 PC 個人電腦的硬體環境讓我們可以在虛擬的電腦硬體中安裝作業系統、測試軟體或病毒等,透過 VirtualBox 安裝好的作業系統可以跟你現在的電腦系統同時運作。而且兩個系統的資料與程式不會互相干擾或影響,算是一個完全獨立的作業環境讓我們測試各種軟體或功能。
當我們在電腦中安裝了 VirtualBox 之後,可以在 VirtualBox 中建置很多個不同系統在同一台電腦中(如果你有很多硬碟空間的話),一般大概是裝個 XP 或 Windows 10 來玩玩,或者想學 Linux、Ubuntu 或 FreeBSD 的話,,
如果你擔心使用某些 P2P 軟體會讓你的重要資料「被分享出去」的話,也可以用 VirtualBox 的虛擬電腦來跑,只不過這樣比較耗資源就是了。
目前 VirtualBox 可支援的客戶端系統(可安裝在 VirtualBox 裡面的作業系統)有十幾種,幾乎各種常見的 x86 作業系統都可以支援,如:
- Windows NT 4.0
- Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8, 8.1, 10, 11
- DOS/Windows 3.x/95/98/ME
- Linux 2.4
- Linux 2.6 及各 Linux 發行版
- Solaris 10, OpenSolaris
- FreeBSD/OpenBSD
- OS/2 Warp 4.5
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檔案大小:104 MB
系統支援:Windows 各版本、Mac OS 、Linux、Solaris…等
一般來說,要安裝 VirtualBox 的主電腦,記憶體至少需 512MB 以上可用空間,記憶體越多越好。電腦硬體配備的等級也盡量要好一點,這樣虛擬電腦跑起來才會比較順。目前VirtualBox 提供了各種作業系統的版本,除了支援一般的 Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 之外,還可支援 Mac OS X、Linux 與 Solaris 等作業系統,如果你需要 Windows 以外版本的話,可以依照上面的連結到官方網站另外下載。
在使用 VirtualBox 時,一般我們會將你現在正在用的這台電腦稱作「主電腦(Host OS)」,也就是等等要安裝 VirtualBox 軟體的這台電腦。而「客戶端電腦(Guest OS)」或「虛擬電腦」則是在安裝好 VirtualBox 軟體後,從 VirtualBox 軟體裡面去設定好環境再重新安裝的新的作業系統。可以很簡單的用下面的示意圖來說明:
VirtualBox 使用方法
第1步 依照本文上方的網址將 VirtualBox 軟體下載回來,直接按兩下執行,跟一般軟體安裝方法都一樣,大部分步驟都是按「下一步」即可。
第2步 一直到類似下圖的步驟時,電腦會問我們是否要安裝一個「通用序列匯流排控制器」,請按〔安裝〕按鈕,再依照指示執行完安裝步驟。
在 VirtualBox 軟體中,我們可以增設很多個不同的「虛擬電腦」,每個虛擬電腦都是各自獨立的,需要從頭開始安裝作業系統(需自備系統安裝光碟)。以下簡單介紹新增虛擬電腦(虛擬機器)的方法。
第1步 安裝好並開啟 VirtualBox 軟體主視窗,按一下上面的〔新增〕按鈕,準備在虛擬機器中增加一個新的系統,。
第2步 接著請在「名稱」中輸入這個新系統的名稱,如「Windows 10」,然後在下面的系統類型與版本中點選你要安裝的作業系統名稱,選好後再按一下〔下一步〕。
裡面能裝原生Mac OS X嗎?
謝版主 這文 實在很棒 我正煩惱要是試看LINUX 又怕用壞電腦
這麼好的東西 又是免費 說明簡單 又有圖文
為啥我下載新版後 沒有中文
我的系統是vista 家用進階版.硬碟有2個250g stat2.2G ram intel e 4300 1.8
應為我的電腦是lemel 的我大都是用它內建的系統回復.沒有用vista的系統回復.
就是安奘號後可以玩線上遊戲嗎 = =!?
請問一下,我在vista下裝了vitual BOX後灌了XP,但我希望在XP內看到我VISTA的硬碟,有辦法辦到嗎? 謝謝
TO 137F
8.19. VBoxManage usbfilter add/modify/remove
The usbfilter commands are used for working with USB filters in virtual machines, or global filters which affect the whole VirtualBox setup. Global filters are applied before machine-specific filters, and may be used to prevent devices from being captured by any virtual machine. Global filters are always applied in a particular order, and only the first filter which fits a device is applied. So for example, if the first global filter says to hold (make available) a particular Kingston memory stick device and the second to ignore all Kingston devices, that memory stick will be available to any machine with an appropriate filter, but no other Kingston device will.
When creating a USB filter using usbfilter add, you must supply three or four mandatory parameters. The index specifies the position in the list at which the filter should be placed. If there is already a filter at that position, then it and the following ones will be shifted back one place. Otherwise the new filter will be added onto the end of the list. The target parameter selects the virtual machine that the filter should be attached to or use “global” to apply it to all virtual machines. name is a name for the new filter and for global filters, action says whether to allow machines access to devices that fit the filter description (“hold”) or not to give them access (“ignore”). In addition, you should specify parameters to filter by. You can find the parameters for devices attached to your system using VBoxManage list usbhost. Finally, you can specify whether the filter should be active, and for local filters, whether they are for local devices, remote (over an RDP connection) or either.
When you modify a USB filter using usbfilter modify, you must specify the filter by index (see the output of VBoxManage list usbfilters to find global filter indexes and that of VBoxManage showvminfo to find indexes for individual machines) and by target, which is either a virtual machine or “global”. The properties which can be changed are the same as for usbfilter add. To remove a filter, use usbfilter remove and specify the index and the target.
share;4.6. Folder sharing
There are two types of shares:
VM shares which are only available to the VM for which they have been defined;
transient VM shares, which can be added and removed at runtime and do not persist after a VM has stopped; for these, add the -transient option to the above command line.
Shared folders have read/write access to the files at the host path by default. To restrict the guest to have read-only access, create a read-only shared folder. This can either be achieved using the GUI or by appending the parameter -readonly when creating the shared folder with VBoxManage.
Then, you can mount the shared folder from inside a VM the same way as you would mount an ordinary network share:
In a Windows guest, starting with VirtualBox 1.5.0, shared folders are browseable and are therefore visible in Windows Explorer. So, to attach the host’s shared folder to your Windows guest, open Windows Explorer and look for it under [….”My Networking Places” -> “Entire Network” -> “VirtualBox Shared Folders”. …](…把他做捷徑到桌面就好了…]By right-clicking on a shared folder and selecting “Map network drive” from the menu that pops up, you can assign a drive letter to that shared folder.
Alternatively, on the Windows command line, use the following:
net use x: \\vboxsvr\sharename
While vboxsvr is a fixed name (note that vboxsrv would also work), replace “x:” with the drive letter that you want to use for the share, and sharename with the share name specified with VBoxManage.
In a Linux guest, use the following command:
mount -t vboxsf [-o OPTIONS] sharename mountpoint
Replace sharename with the share name specified with VBoxManage, and mountpoint with the path where you want the share to be mounted (e.g. /mnt/share). The usual mount rules apply, that is, create this directory first if it does not exist yet.
Beyond the standard options supplied by the mount command, the following are available:
iocharset CHARSET
to set the character set used for I/O operations (utf8 by default) and
convertcp CHARSET
to specify the character set used for the shared folder name (utf8 by default).
The generic mount options (documented in the mount manual page) apply also. Especially useful are the options uid, gid and mode, as they allow access by normal users (in read/write mode, depending on the settings) even if root has mounted the filesystem.
有關Sun xVM VirtualBox之usb及分享資料夾功能無法使用,上面也有大大反應過,不知如何解決?
VirtualBox 2.1.0支援OpenGL (3D加速)…
VMware 6.5支援DirectX 9 (3D加速)…
另外, share給大家:
因為VMware/VirtualBox的BIOS太簡陋, 不支援USB開機, 所以想測試USB硬碟或USB隨身碟開機的話, 可以用一套PLoP BootManager 程式, 把plpbin.img掛在軟碟機槽, 從A:開機, 然後選USB, 他可以幫你從USB開機… (NOD32認為有毒, 原作者說安心啦!) 這樣就可以測試一些可以灌在USB的OS了…
請問要抓到USB要如何設參數,在virtualbox裡都沒USB。看了說明文件,大概知道是用Vboxmanager。還有我在virtualbox裝了windows mobile 6.1模擬器,但是開啟後都無法與activcsync連線,應該是序列埠com沒有打開,可是也不知如何開。希望不來恩大大可以出個教學,如何開啟usb and com port,謝謝