[下載] MSN 7.5 繁體中文 正式版 (7.5.0324)

注意!以下各版本的MSN聊天軟體,因為微軟已經啟動強迫升級MSN 9.0的機制,以下各個舊版軟體下載、安裝後可能無法正常登入MSN傳訊息、聊天,請下載後依照下面文章的方法修改軟體的版本編號,讓舊版程式也可常登入聊天:

  • 修改方法:如何讓舊版MSN 7.5、8.1、8.5版不被強迫更新?
  • 舊版下載:MSN 7.0、7.5、8.0、8.1、8.5 各版本下載點
  • 2007/9/14更新:

    MSN 7.5無法登入的解決方法(微軟強迫升級的問題)


    很多人也許都下載了MSN 8.0 甚至是最新版的MSN 8.1來試用,不過用完之後一定會很懷念以前的NSN 7.5 版吧?因為7.5版還真的穩定很多說。雖然有沒8.0版之後的新功能,但是穩定不斷線、不會太吃資源,,


    MSN 7.5 版下載位址:按這裡 (版本編號:7.5.0324)

    MSN 7.5 官方網頁:按這裡

     1-31.png      1-01.png                 1-001.png


    幫MSN聊天加密,拒絕 MSN被監控、竊聽、側錄! 

    msn 8.0、msn 8.1版下載:按這裡 (又稱Windows Live Messenger)

    最後更新:11-04, 2013 下午 7:18


    Author: 不來恩




    241 Replies to “[下載] MSN 7.5 繁體中文 正式版 (7.5.0324)”

    1. 80048820 這是什麼意思ㄋ ?
      下載ㄌ7.5版 之前用都好好ㄉ
      他說我並沒有連線到MSN 但是公司的網路很正常耶!
      我移除又重新下載ㄌ~還是一樣出現 80048820

    2. 我把7.5版刪掉了好後悔哦現在重灌7.5版一直出現UNICOWS.DLL”的訊息方格,我用上面你教別人的方法去下載丫還是不行還是會出現 有人可以教我嘛 謝謝

    3.  誰知道 閘道 是啥 ?!

       我家的MSN 說什麼 閘道連不上

       我都不知道要怎麼辦 好久都沒上MSN了 說 

       若知道的 可以弄E-MaiL 通知我嗎 ?!

       不然即時通 .. 一樣的帳號 

    4. 我的msn都不能上啦..





    5. 我想請問一下,我之前都可以加入我的表情符號,但最進常常出現”非有效影音檔”而不能加,就算刪掉幾個也加不進去。不曉得表情符號是否有容量限制,還是我需要更新下載看看呢?

    6. 我的MSN上不了,错误代码是80048821.可我的密码和登入名都是正确的啊!



      Windows Live Messenger Error 80048821

      Windows Live Messenger could not sign you in because the sign-in name you entered does not exist or your password is incorrect. Error code: 80048823

      Before you start. Did you enter correct Username and Password?

      1. The date on your computer needs to be set properly. Double click the clock verify that
      the time and date are set.
      2. If your password information is not saved, verify that you are typing it in with the
      correct case (uppercase or lowercase).
      3. Change your password at http://memberservicesnet.passport.com/memberservice.srf to
      something smaller (under 10-12 characters), then try signing in again.
      4. If you use a firewall (like ZoneAlarm, Norton Internet Security etc.), it’s possible
      that Messenger doesn’t have the correct rights to access the Internet, especially since you
      upgraded. You may need to re/add Messenger to the allowed list of programs in your firewall
      if this is the case.
      5. If you disabled your firewall in the past, it still may be blocking Messenger. Try
      restarting it and see if that helps the situation. You also might try uninstalling an
      installed firewall, to verify that it isn’t causing a problem (even if it is disabled).
      6. Clear your IE cache and cookies. Open Internet Explorer, click the Tools menu, then
      Internet Options, then click the Delete Files button, and when that’s complete click the
      Delete Cookies button.
      7. Check your IE Security settings. Open Internet Explorer, click the Tools menu, then
      Internet Options, then Advanced tab, scroll to the Security section, and verify that “Check
      for server certificate revocation” is unchecked. Also verify that ‘Use SSL 2.0′ and Use SSL
      3.0’ is checked, then click OK.
      8. Click Start, then Run, and enter the following:
      regsvr32 softpub.dll
      then click OK
      and do the same for the following:
      regsvr32 wintrust.dll
      regsvr32 initpki.dll
      9. If using MSN Messenger 7, click the Tools menu, then Options, then Connection category,
      click the Advanced Settings button, uncheck all the options, click OK twice and then try

      MSN Messenger Error Code – 80048821
      The Symptoms you get

      When you try and sign in to your MSN messenger account you get error 80048821
      The Cause of Code 80048821

      A guess, you are typing in the wrong email address. Check the extension, should it be hotmail.com or hotmail.co.xyz?
      The Solutions to MSN Error Code 80048821

      1) Refer to your registration documentation. Do you have a confirmation email with your username, which will be an email address?

      2) Have you just changed or fiddled with your firewall? Could that be blocking your MSN connection?

      4) I never like this solution, but sometimes it does the trick: Delete internet temporary files and cookies. Internet Explorer: Tools (menu), Internet Options.

      5) The other alternative is that the password is wrong. However, I do believe that would cause a different error number Could the CAPS LOCK be on? Here is the Microsoft site where you can change your password.
      Summary of MSN Error Code 80048821

      Double check your the email account for your username.


    發佈留言必須填寫的電子郵件地址不會公開。 必填欄位標示為 *