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WebHostingBuzz 虛擬主機的 CPU/MySQL Usage 使用限制

最近幾天DreamHost開始作怪,Hostmonster也不太能用了(CPU/MySQL限額太低),就想說再挖挖看還有沒有其他美國的虛擬主機可用,這次鎖定的是「較高限額」的虛擬主機商,而這家WebHostingBuzz聽說很小,我之前也完全沒聽過,所以就發信給他們問問看,雖然他們網站都有標示CPU/MySQL Usage的使用規定,不過還是發信測試一下客服的反應速度,儘管買前諮詢跟買後的技術支援不一定都有一樣的親切跟效率...




Thank you for your interest in our services. Here are the answers for your questions:

1. According to our AUP ( ‘No script or piece of software may use 25% or more of system resources for 60 seconds or longer’. The absolute values vary for different shared servers having different processors and/or OS installed.

2. If the quota is exceeded we will first send you the notification with the detailed report of what is causing the issue. The account is suspended only in case of extreme server overload.

3. We have higher quota for our Business hosting plans. There’s no quota at all for our VPS and dedicated Servers.

Please let us know if you have any other questions.
Maxim M.
Customer Support
WHB Networks LLC *Hosting Wakeup Call*



  1. Lunarpages虛擬主機的CPU/MySQL使用限制
  2. 關於iweb8.com虛擬主機CPU Quota的問題回覆
  3. Site5虛擬主機關於 CPU/PHP/MySQL Usage的使用限制
  4. 如何查看Hostmonster/Bluehost的CPU超額使用情況?
  5. 「虛擬主機」相關資源、網站蒐集



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