[Ping.fm掛站] 網址出包,GoDaddy還卯起來塞滿廣告!
ping.fm網站主要功能是讓我們可以透過Google Talk等各種即時通訊軟體發送訊息到各大微網誌(如twitter、Plurk..等)的服務(網站介紹按這裡),當我們用Google Tak發送訊息跟網址到twitter與其他微網誌網站時,都會自動將超長的網址轉成「http://ping.fm/xxx」這樣的短網址來代替,這次GoDaddy服務出包,除了ping.fm網站開不了之外,用ping.fm短網址發出去的連結也都開不了了,連過去都會是GoDaddy滿滿一整個頁面的廣告…。
Just to set everyone at ease, we are simply waiting on GoDaddy to update their end so that this mess becomes history. I‘ve been in direct contact with them. Actually, the office of the President of GoDaddy called me personally ensuring that they are working on this with a high priority.
Everyone can do us a favor by just spreading the word that everything in power is being done to correct this. And be known that we aren’t going anywhere. This isn’t us leaving, nor shutting down. This is a problem that has come between service provider and client. It’s unfortunate, but it happens.
This should all go away any time now.
Thanks for your continued support through some wrenches in the system. Keep on pingin! (Bots still work.)
看樣子網址跟DNS這類東西還真的有至高無上的風險啊...沒管理好的話,問題可大了。Ping.fm還沒恢復之前,可以先用 HelloTxt 頂著。
Ping.fm 應該要學得教訓, 把 DNS 拿回去自己管理吧.