「LOOK 即時影像」可查國內路況,還能免出國就看見世界美景!
昨天介紹的「即時影像監視器」可以透過瀏覽器來查看台灣各地的公共監視器畫面,除了可以查看路況外,也能了解當地的即時天氣,無論是要出遊還是出差都非常的適用,也適合不想額外在手機安裝 App 的朋友使用。
但如果你經常有查詢的需求,而且手機容量又足夠的話,那麼找一個方便操作的 App 也許會更好,之...
- 聊天通訊:LINE 電腦板、Telegram、FB Messenger、Signal(取代LINE)
- 防毒軟體:小紅傘、卡巴斯基、AVG、Avast
- 壓縮軟體:WinRAR、WinZIP、7-ZIP 免費壓縮軟體
- 文書處理:NotePad++ 純文字編輯器、PDF24、Office下載
- 看圖軟體:IrfanView 免費看圖軟體、ImageGlass、XnView
- 螢幕抓圖:ShareX、FastStone、WinSnap
- 影片播放:KMPlayer、PotPlayer、MPC影音播放器
- 音樂播放:WinAMP、KKBOX、Spotify
- 影音下載:FreeStudio、 CutYouTube
- 系統工具:CCleaner、RevoUninstaller 軟體移除工具
- 快捷操作:HotkeyP、鍵盤加速、CopyTexty
- 媒體轉檔:Moo0、XMedia、格式工廠
- 光碟燒錄:BurnAware、AnyBurn
- 網路瀏覽:Chrome、Edge、Firefox
- YouTube下載、轉MP3:YT1s、SaveMP3
HP All-in-One Printer Remote for Windows is special software that allows users to perform a wide range of printing functions remotely. This is a real boon for people who are away from the office and need to make sure that their printed documents, photographs or other materials are ready and waiting for them when they return.
https://hpsoftwaredriver.com HP All-in-One Printer Remote for Windows is special software that allows users to perform a wide range of printing functions remotely. This is a real boon for people who are away from the office and need to make sure that their printed documents, photographs or other materials are ready and waiting for them when they return.