

其實這跟哈利波特沒關係啦,只是剛剛從黑米上看到一個很有趣的廣告,廣告片的標題是「Today’s the day to work your magic.」,整個影片搭配風格特殊的配樂,實在相當讓人印象深刻。




廣告片:Todays the day to work your magic.




廣告配樂: “Music Box” Regina Spektor



Life inside the music box aint easy.
The malots hit the gears are always turning
and everyone inside the mechanism
is yearning to get out.
And sing another melody completely
So different from the one theyre always singing
I close my eyes and think that i have found me
but then i feel mortality surround me.
I want to sing another melody
so different from the one i always sing
But when i do the dishes
i run the water very very very hot
and then i fill the sink to the top with bubbles of soap
and then i send all the bottle caps i own a float
and its the greatest voyage in the history of plastic
and then i slip my hands in and start to make waves
and then i dip my tongue in and take a taste
it tastes like soap but it doesnt really taste like soap
and then i lower in my hole mouth in and take a gulp
and start to feel mortality surround me
i close my eyes and think ive found me
but life inside the music box aint easy
the malots hit the gears are always turning
and everyone inside the mechanism
is yearning
to get out
and sing another melody completely
is yearing
to get out
is yearning
to get out
is yearning
to get out





JC Penney | Today’s the Day


JC Penney | Heart



JC Penney | Crazy Beautiful


JC Penney | Train




JC Penney | Swingle Sound

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