
[更新] Firefox 繁體中文版 下載

2008/12/27更新:軟體版本更新為2.0.0.20,此為Firefox 2.x系列最後版本,以後不再更新,請改用最新版的Firefox 3.x版,Firefox 3.0.5請按這裡,Firefox 3.1請按這裡

在Mozilla努力推廣最新版的Firefox 3.0瀏覽器的同時,原本的2.x版本還是沒放著不管,,

一樣是有洞就補、有問題就修。最近也推出了2.0.0.19最新版本,算一算一共修復了12個軟體安全性與穩定性的問題。如果你目前還使用Firefox 2.x版本的話,應該也都有收到更新通知了,記得改快升級成最新版,修補一下漏洞唷。

軟體名稱:Mozilla Firefox
軟體下載Windows版Mac OS X版Linux版


Firefox更新項目: (原文網址

  1. XSS vulnerabilities in SessionStore
  2. XSS and JavaScript privilege escalation
  3. Escaped null characters ignored by CSS parser
  4. Errors parsing URLs with leading whitespace and control characters
  5. Cross-domain data theft via script redirect error message
  6. XMLHttpRequest 302 response disclosure
  7. Additional XSS attack vectors in feed preview
  8. Information stealing via loadBindingDocument
  9. Crashes with evidence of memory corruption (rv:

更新項目:Fixed in Firefox

  1. MFSA 2008-33 Crash and remote code execution in block reflow
  2. MFSA 2008-32 Remote site run as local file via Windows URL shortcut
  3. MFSA 2008-31 Peer-trusted certs can use alt names to spoof
  4. MFSA 2008-30 File location URL in directory listings not escaped properly
  5. MFSA 2008-29 Faulty .properties file results in uninitialized memory being used
  6. MFSA 2008-28 Arbitrary socket connections with Java LiveConnect on Mac OS X
  7. MFSA 2008-27 Arbitrary file upload via originalTarget and DOM Range
  8. MFSA 2008-25 Arbitrary code execution in mozIJSSubScriptLoader.loadSubScript()
  9. MFSA 2008-24 Chrome script loading from fastload file
  10. MFSA 2008-23 Signed JAR tampering
  11. MFSA 2008-22 XSS through JavaScript same-origin violation
  12. MFSA 2008-21 Crashes with evidence of memory corruption (rv:



  1. [下載]精選25個Firefox常用外掛
  2. 32個Firefox常用搜尋引擎
  3. 用Firefox也可以上BBS站! (PCMan plug-in)
  4. 如何在Firefox 3.1中開啟TraceMonkey加速功能?
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